Saturday, February 14, 2009

Jonas Brothers on E!

5 Celeb Couples That Should Split Up Like Now There may be a few deliriously happy duos in T-town—cuties Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick come to mind—but there are more than enough romances that have gone on way too long.In the spirit of salvaging love’s good name on Valentine’s Day, here are five couples who need to a one-way ticket to Splitsville:
Anyone Dating a Jonas Brother: Take a cue from Miley, Taylor and anyone else who’s had googly eyes for one third of the J Bros: It prolly won’t end well. And for Nick, Kevin and Joe, be prepared for your gal to spill her guts all over a blog or in a hit song. Maybe those purity rings should extend to dating altogether as opposed to the naughty main event?

The Soup-