Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How to score Taylor Swift Meet&Greets

From Hannah: My best friend and I went to a Taylor's San Diego concert on Sunday and got invited backstage to Taylor's 'T-Party'!

They said during the show Taylor picks about 20 people out of the crowd that look like her biggest fans. We got to go backstage and chill in her little portable living room after the show! We just watched TV and listened to music with her band, family and dancers until she came out to talk to us.

All 20 of us got to talk to her in our groups for about 10-15 minutes. She is so nice and so down to earth! If you are going to a concert, singing your heart out and being the biggest fan can really pay off! :]

[source: OU]

I wanna meet her!
She seems so down to earthh!