Monday, June 8, 2009

Is Trace bad for Demi?

There have been many rumors about a new couple: Demi Lovato & Trace Cyrus.

They've been twittering about each other-
including from Demi-
@tracecyrus... That scared me! Hahaha I was like ahh! What'd I do!? You're so cute. But seriously, be jealous of miley. Hahaha
@TraceCyrus Psh... Perfect?! Boy you're crazy.. :P but it's okay cause you're my favorite too. Now go to bed! Hahaha
from trace-
@ddlovato haha its 3:30 in japan & im still awake. but i blame you! cause i cant get U off my mind! im forcing myself to sleep NOW! night <3
@ddlovato seein the eiffel tower w/ U would complete my trip 2 europe<3. Just checked out the trailer!MUST C it 2gether as soon as its out!

Alex deLeon from the Cab, who was rumored to be going out with Demi around last year-ish twittered -
Watching an old friend slowly starting to talk to a guy that's going to treat her horrible, and there's nothing I can do about it :(
I'm not sure if it's about Demi, but many people say it is!

Do YOU think Demi & Trace make a good couple ?
I'm personally not really feeling that vibe.
I'm still rooting for Jemi!
I think Demi & Alex are pretty okay together.