Saturday, February 7, 2009

JB on David Letterman

Jonas Brothers will be on the Late Show with David Letterman on Feb. 12.
Get FREE tickets to be in the studio audience-
Stand-by tickets are available by calling (212) 247-6497starting at 11:00 a.m. on the day of the taping you wish to attend. Your name will be taken and you will be placed on our stand by list in the order we receive your call. You will be asked to check in to the theater at a specific time approximately 1 hour before the taping. You will only be admitted to the actual taping in the event seats remain after all of the regularly ticketed guests are accommodated. We will keep the above phone line open for approximately 30-60 minutes or until we fill our allocation of stand by slots, which varies from day to day. As with all of our tickets, all attendees must present a government-issued picture I.D. to match the name(s) given on the phone.