Thursday, February 5, 2009

You Decide

Okay, the Jonas Brothers posted a new Youtube video on JonasBrothersMusic today.
In my opinion, it's one of the best/funniest videos they've ever posted !

You decide what Joe will do in our next YouTube video. We'll tally up the first 1,000 votes in the comments section. Feel free to offer up your own ideas. Should Joe: A.) Play a 10 minute Conga solo B.) Shake his "tail-feather" to "Single Ladies" by Beyonce C.) Wrestle Big Rob VOTE NOW!

So yeah, even though it's on comment 9,000 something now, go vote ! i don't know about you, but I REALLY THINK JOE SHAKING HIS TAIL-FEATHER TO SINGLE LADIES WOULD BE SEXY. =)